Unveiling the Dynamic Duo: Lagree and Running - A Journey to Strength and Confidence

A few weeks back, I received a direct message suggesting I try Lagree to amp up my running game. Always on the lookout for ways to bolster my strength, I eagerly accepted the challenge.

After completing my inaugural week of Lagree paired with running, let me tell you - I'm feeling the effects. The soreness was real, but amidst it, I sensed a newfound strength emerging within me. The day following my first Lagree class was rough; soreness crept in, but by the third day, I had recovered sufficiently, just in time for a morning class. It was a relief to feel more acquainted with the terminology and movements, fostering a sense of familiarity and confidence.


My initial run of the week followed the day after my first Lagree class. Doubt loomed as I felt the soreness, prompting a quick text to the instructor for guidance. Encouraged to "shake out those muscles," I embarked on an easy 3-mile run. It felt reminiscent of my high school days when every run left me achy. However, this soreness wasn't the typical runner's fatigue but rather the delightful reminder that I had engaged muscles lying dormant for too long.

Entering week two tomorrow, I'm bracing myself for a morning Lagree class, followed by a run on Tuesday. Already, I'm witnessing subtle yet impactful changes: a more robust posture, engaged core muscles while running, and a newfound sense of confidence permeating my stride.

The inception of Lagree into my routine has been a game-changer, significantly elevating my confidence. I'm eagerly anticipating the uncharted territories this journey will lead me to.


Now, let's delve into what Lagree is and how it intertwines with running, creating a powerhouse combination for enhancing strength and confidence.

Lagree, often referred to as the Lagree Fitness Method, is a high-intensity, low-impact workout combining Pilates, cardio, and strength training elements. It primarily revolves around using a machine called a Megaformer, designed to engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously through slow, controlled movements. The emphasis on slow-twitch muscle fibers not only builds strength but also improves endurance, making it an ideal complement to running.

For runners, Lagree serves as an excellent cross-training method. It targets and strengthens muscles that often go underutilized during running, such as the stabilizing muscles in the core, hips, and glutes. By honing in on these areas, Lagree helps runners develop better stability, posture, and overall body alignment. This enhanced stability translates into more efficient running mechanics, reducing the risk of injuries caused by muscular imbalances or weaknesses.

Moreover, the core engagement fostered by Lagree directly correlates to improved running form. A stronger core means better support for the spine and pelvis, enabling runners to maintain proper alignment and posture even during longer runs. The increased core strength translates into more power and efficiency while running, amplifying performance and reducing fatigue.


Aside from physical gains, the mental fortitude cultivated in Lagree sessions seamlessly intertwines with the mental resilience required in running. The discipline, focus, and endurance built during Lagree classes can be seamlessly translated into the perseverance needed during challenging runs or races.

The combination of Lagree and running isn't just about physical strength; it's about empowerment. It's about discovering untapped potential, fostering resilience, and ultimately, unlocking a newfound confidence that permeates every aspect of life.

As I venture into this exciting journey, I invite you to join me in exploring the synergy between Lagree and running. Together, let's uncover the transformative power of this dynamic duo, not just in fitness but in carving a path toward strength, confidence, and uncharted possibilities. 
